
News & Pest Alerts

Water quality during the drought - using surface water safely

 Annalisa Hultberg, Extension Educator, explains that many regions of the state are in moderate to severe drought, which is impacting water tables and wells. Read the article and take part in a poll here

Vineyard Tasks and Webinar Announcement

Annie Klodd, Extension Educator, outlines tasks that need to be completed in vineyards following bud break in grapes. Read the entire article here.

A webinar will be held on May 19 at 1:00 pm. There you will get a chance to discuss bird control options and talk with a plant pathologist and weed management specialistion. Register for the webinar here.

New Forecasting Model for Japanese Beetle in Minnesota

Department of Entomology researchers are working on a degree-day model for Japanese beetle as an early-warning forecasting system. Read the article here.

New food safety videos available in English, Hmong and Spanish - testing water on the farm

Annalisa Hultberg, Extension Educator, has posted a new article about water testing. Read it on the Minnesota Fruit And Vegetable News site.

Diagnostic help for fruit and vegetable farmers.

There is a new tool available to connect with U of M fruit and vegetable extension educators. Read the story here